As a young dental hygienist, my first position was working for Northern Health Authority. I saw first hand the challenges individuals had to accessing regular dental care and the toll it took on their overall health. Inspired from that moment on, I made it a priority to provide the best preventative oral healthcare. Working throughout BC in a variety of environments, as a dental hygienist, has grown my compassionate care. Additionally, moving to Comox, BC, to further hone my skills in a Periodontal Clinic has provided me with a wealth of expertise.
My dream for over a decade has been to serve everyone in the Comox Valley and the surrounding area, no matter their living or financial circumstances, with top-notch dental hygiene services.
I’m originally from Fort St John, British Columbia, and have called Comox home since 2019.
When I’m not cleaning teeth, you’ll find me and my dog mountain biking, or exploring new beaches and hiking trails.